Break-IN FAQ
Just how difficult is this challenge?: As it is usually presented, just under half of the people taking on this mission are able to solve it in the time allowed (60 minutes). However, one of the great things about this particular team-building event is that it can be personalized to meet your needs. Level of difficulty, time allotted and even access to help or clues can all be dialed up or down, depending on the outcome you are looking for. Do you want your teams to succeed? Are you looking for an extremely difficult challenge for them? Is failure it's own reward? It's up to you.
How much space do you need to present the Break-In Team Building Challenge?: This fun, creative event is designed for 1-8 people. You need a space that will physically allow that number of people to move around and access a trunk that itself has a foot-print off approximately 3' X 4'. Besides the trunk and the players, you have an additional table to collect clues and evidence on. This event is very adaptable and can be presented at most any venue.
What is the price of this event: The Challenge Trunk is scheduled by days and/or half-days. A half day is a 4 hour event with a full day being 8 hours of challenging fun. Other cost factors include level of customization to your company, travel and hotel costs which depend upon distance of travel to your site.
How many people can this event handle? The Break-IN Team Building Challenge Trunk is designed for 1-8 people with 5-6 being the recommended ideal group size.
How long does a singe Break-IN attempt last? Each session is scheduled in 2-hour blocks of time. About 15 minutes of pre-challenge briefing, 60 minutes of actual play time, another 15 minutes to de-brief and then I allow sufficient time re-set between group attempts.
How long does it take to set up for this event? It take about an hour to set up everything needed for a group challenge. It takes about 30 minutes to re-set between groups.
What do I need to do before the event? It depends on what you want to gain from this learning experience. Some groups choose to have it be a surprise to the employees involved. Others have chosen to give participants advance warning with the challenge story and goals all known in advance to allow the teams time to develop plans and strategies well in advance of their assault upon the difficult puzzles and various tests. Some clients make pre-event decisions like how do they want to organize the teams? By supervisors vs. their teams? Be pitting day shift again night shift? By a school-yard pick? By a random draw? All of these variable factors depend on what you want to accomplish. Our goal is to make your event the very best it can be and the best way to reach that goal is to know exactly what your desired outcome is. We are here to help you guide your employees to where you want them to go.
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